If you’re looking for a card 0% interest on purchases for 3 months,and 0% interest on balance transfers for 18 months, Barclays credit card applyis the answer for your need. Submit your application online or apply for Barclayscredit card here with step by step instructions.
Once you’ve submitted your Barclays credit card application, don’t forget to check application status by accessing Barclays credit card login account securely. Customers usually use cards.barclaycardus.com an online portal to sign in and check their application status.
However, after you get instantly approved for Barclays credit card online, be ready to get the most out of your barclays shopping experience with tremendous credit card that extra ordinary Barclaycard credit limit, exceptional rewards, offers, bonuses, savings, APR, interest rates and other benefits like pre approval. You can check Barclaycard review for this.
But to get all these benefits, you must activate Barclayscredit card from activation page by logging into your account with username andpassword.
See Also: Login to BarclaysCard Account to Make Payment
Barclays Credit Card Apply Step by Step
Applying for BarclayCard by Capital One is very easy to dojob. But if you’re looking for barclaycard pre qualify, then there is anotherarticle on that. Lets learn how:
- Visit the website link: cards.barclaycardus.com
- Hit the button “Learn more” given with the credit card you want to apply for issued by Capital One credit cards
- Now click “Apply Now” button given at the top left corner of the webpage to access online application page
- Fill the BarclayCard online application form with information such as your name, date of birth, Social Security Number, address, email, monthly income etc. And follow the instruction to submit the application online
- Check the BarclayCard application status after submitting the online application. It will keep you updated with the status of your credit card if approved or not. You can call 1-888-232-0780 phone number to inquire about the card status
- In case your BarclayCard is approved and arrive at your address, you need to activate your BarclayCard in order to use it for shopping. Visit www.barclaycardus.com/activate and Login to Barclaycard account to activate your card online
- You can also mail your payments and issues regarding Barclays credit card at:
Card Services
P.O. Box 8801
Wilmington, DE 19899-8801