How to Find Metro PCS Phone Number and Make Call at 1 (888) 863-8768?

Customer can dial 1 (888) 863-8768 from their mobile or landline telephone to contact Metro PCS phone number service. Customers can contact MetroPCS by phone to access instant customer service, support and help.

Phone Number: 1 (888) 863-8768

By dialing relevant MetroPCS by T-Mobile phone number, you are directly connected to have voice conversation with Metro PCS customer service representative.

You as a customer or user of Metro by T-Mobile service, talk to the representative to get any type of help and assistance that may include solving the dispute, file any complaint, login to MetroPCS account, give your feedback for customer satisfaction, make a MetroPCS payment & pay your due bills etc.

Find MetroPCS Phone Number Details

You can find MetroPCS phone numbers and details below:

To Make a Payment
*99 from your MetroPCS phone
888-8metro8 (888-863-8768)

For Customer Service
888-8metro8 (888-863-8768)
*611 from your MetroPCS phone

For Premium Handset Protection
Contact Asurion at

You can also contact MetroPCS customer service through mail address, email online, and live chat on